In its debut launch for the business forum series “Ascend: Enabling Digital Transformation”, ePLDT emphasized the benefits of digitalization to overcoming challenges and rising above trends as more business leaders embark on their own digital transformation journeys amid the global digital shift accelerated by the pandemic.
“This is a time for us to come together. No company or government can do this on their own,” said Victor S. Genuino, ePLDT President and CEO. “ePLDT is in a strategic position to work with government and the private sector towards a digitized nation.”
He also highlighted that fast-tracking digitalization would enable different sectors to be “more competitive globally and bring a much-needed inclusive economic growth coming from a hard-fought battle with the pandemic.”
Ascend is also an avenue for industry experts and customers to come together and discuss the opportunities that come with going into digital. The high-level discussions opened up conversations on the personal experiences of invited speakers including Paul Siy, Senior Vice President & Head IT Officer of BDO Unibank, and Alfie Deato, Chief Information Officer of LBC Express, Inc. during the fireside chat hosted by Amil Azurin, Vice President and Head of Product Management for Cloud Tech Services of ePLDT.
With ePLDT as their digital transformation partner, the speakers from BDO and LBC shared how their companies embraced digitalization and adopted innovative solutions, such as Cloud and Big Data, to stay resilient and remain relevant to their new customers in the global digital shift.